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They told me to take her away – Enugu law graduate says three female police officers on duty refused to help an abandoned child he rescued

Oct 1, 2023 #News

A law graduate, Benkingsley Nwashara, who rescued a 2-year-old girl abandoned by a mentally-ill mother in Enugu State, has narrated how three female police officers allegedly refused to help when he brought the child to the station. 

Recall that Nwashara rescued the child at a market in Agbani town, in Nkanu West Local Government Area of the state in June 2022. 

The child was battered by heavy rainfall a day earlier while market women made no attempt to help her.

Nwashara disclosed this on Sunday, October 1, 2023, when he responded to a post about policewomen.

According to him, the female officers said they couldn’t do anything for the child and told him to take her away. 

“Sorry to post this, it was the 3 female police officers on shift that night at the Station where I took this little angel to, that told me they can’t do anything for her and that I should take her away. They were all mothers in their 40s,” he said. 

“Thank God for the DPO, a Yoruba man who I met the next morning and he ordered one of the female officers to escort us to the different hospitals we went to for the next 3 days so they will see it as emergency and attend to us as quick as possible. He even gave us his personal car and his driver for 2days

“Though I understand that they were afraid the baby might die in their hands but hey you’re police officer and I’m a private citizen. You should know better on what could be done immediately for the dying baby. I took the risk of taking a dying baby to my one room apartment

“Anything could have happened. But I thank God the worst didn’t happen. Some female officers are really heartless for real. They were merely showing empathy verbally but outrightly indifferent on what could be done to help or save a dying baby

“I had to call my female friend to come over to my house that night to help me out. I have never babysat a child or anyone before. This baby drank more than 8 satchets of water that night. We didn’t rush her with food. She stooled upto to 15 times the same night. Terrific night.” 

They told me to take her away - Enugu law graduate says three female police officers on duty refused to help an abandoned child he rescued
They told me to take her away - Enugu law graduate says three female police officers on duty refused to help an abandoned child he rescued
They told me to take her away - Enugu law graduate says three female police officers on duty refused to help an abandoned child he rescued
They told me to take her away - Enugu law graduate says three female police officers on duty refused to help an abandoned child he rescued
They told me to take her away - Enugu law graduate says three female police officers on duty refused to help an abandoned child he rescued
They told me to take her away - Enugu law graduate says three female police officers on duty refused to help an abandoned child he rescued
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