Alaska Ekele is the Publisher/Editor-in-Chief of Ndokwa Vanguard. In this interview with the press he explains his sojourn into media practice, the sweet and bitter taste of the job.
May we meet you sir?
I am Uncle Alaska Ekele, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief of Ndokwa Vanguard Newspaper.
I was the Assistant General Secretary, Association of Nigerian Authors, ANA and the President, South South Writers Union. Presently I am the Vice Chairman, Association of Community Newspaper Publishers of Nigeria, Delta State.
Apart from publishing Ndokwa Vanguard, do still other publications?
Apart from publishing Ndokwa Vanguard I am also the author of History and Culture of Ogume Clan (1440AD to the Present Day), Ndokwa Torch Bearers, 40 Years of Ogume Grammar School (1975-2015): A Legacy of Academic Excellence and Modern English Idiom for Academics and Professionals (unpublished). I reproduced the work of one of the Colonial Masters Captain JS Miller titled Intelligence Investigation Report of Part of Aboh Division {1931). All these are tilted towards aiding research in our clime.
How did you get involved into media practice?
As a matter of fact I never trained as a journalist. My background is Business Administration/ Advertising. It was my handwriting that brought me into the media world..
It all started in February 1993 when I visited Vanguard Newspapers in their corporate headquarters at Kirikiri Canal, Apapa, Lagos. I filled a form requesting to see the then Advert Manager, Mr. Chuddy Oduenyi. When he saw the form I filled, he was so impressed with my handwriting to the point that he ushered me into his office immediately. At his office another drama played out. He didn’t believe that I was the one that filled the form. He asked me repeatedly, “were you the one that filled this form?” and I answered in affirmative. To make assurance doubly sure, he gave me another form to fill. When I noticed that he was in love with my handwriting I decided to impressed him with cursive writing. When he saw the cursive writing he simply exclaimed “this is intelligent writing!”
The next thing he did was asking his secretary to invite one lady in Editorial Department, Chidinma Ibegbu to his office. While we were waiting for Chidinma Ibegbu to come the Advert Manager offered me a bottle of soft drink and asked me to feel comfortable. When Mrs. Ibegbu entered the office, he just said “this man is going to work with you. Just take him to your office and give him orientation.” That was how I joined Vanguard Newspaper. I was assisting Chidinma Ibegbu on her page called “Home Front” which featured every Friday. Later I was given a column titled: “Me & My Work”which featured every Saturday. A year later, I was moved to Advert Department as Advert Executive.
I would like to make one point here. When I was in the Advert Manager’s office he didn’t ask about my background or state/place of origin. His mindset was that he saw a young intelligent man that can add value to the tabloid. The focus of the management of Vanguard Newspapers was to hire capable hands irrespective of ethic nationality. That is why Vanguard is uniquely packaged and a newspaper that can stand the test of time. Any newspaper can die in Nigeria but not Vanguard newspapers
Any newspaper can die in Nigeria but not Vanguard newspapers – please throw more light on this
The management of the company has a tradition of hiring the best hands suitable for the job. No tribal sentiment or godfatherism. Again, if you leave voluntarily and opts to come back after some years, they would absorb you without any bureaucratic tussles or bottlenecks. Only on rare occasions would you see multinationals and small companies do so. Because of this tradition handed down by the successive managements, most of us that are directly or indirectly affected by the policy thrust of the company pray for the survival of the company.
Why did you leave Vanguard Newspapers?
For your information, I did not leave Vanguard Newspapers. I only stepped aside in 2005 to nurture Ndokwa Vanguard. The idea was to give my people a voice. I am still a member of Vanguard family. Today, I represent Vanguard Newspapers in Ndokwa and environs. The Vanguard office in Ndokwa which I attracted was commissioned on December 10, 2021 at Azunze, Utagba Ogbe, Ndokwa West Local Government. Apart from Lagos, Delta and Abuja there’s no other state in Nigeria where you have more than one Vanguard office. Because of the trust they have in me they approved one for me to add to the existing two in Delta State. Before I stepped aside I made sure I joined two professional bodies viz: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) as Associate Registered Practitioner in Advertising, arpa and Associate Chartered Institute of Administration, ACIA. You cannot practice advertising without being a member of Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria, APCON. Anything short of that means a quack.
How has it been since you started Ndokwa Vanguard?
To the glory of God we are about 18 years in the business and I can tell you that it is a rough road to travel. At a point, I almost gave up because the reading culture of Ndokwa is relatively very low.
It is worthy of note that I rejected a juicy offer because I want to give my people a voice. Barely a year after starting Ndokwa Vanguard, one of my clients when I was fully engaged in Vanguard, late Chief Bright Ugwoegbu, the then CEO of Boussalle Group Limited invited me to his office at Bornu Crescent, Apapa, Lagos. While in his office he said “Alaska you are quite enterprising but your people are not helping you enough. I want to establish you. I want to open a press in my community Isunjaba in Imo state. You will manage it for me. I will pay five million naira into your account to take care of your family, give you an official car and driver and pay the running cost of the press for one year. It would be called ‘Isu News’ but we will blend with contents from across the states of the federation including Abuja and around the world.” It was an irresistible offer. I thanked him enough for recognising my potentials but that I was sorry to disappoint him. I told him that my vision was to give my people a voice and to add her to the comity of ethnic nationalities with a community newspaper. Before leaving his office that faithful day, he said, “I love you. You are a man; a man that can take personal decisions. I wish you the best in your endeavour! Unfortunately, this Chief died on May 29, 2013. What a wicked world!
Apart from Chief Ugwoegbu was there any other person in or outside Ndokwa that has given you an offer?
The answer to this question is simply no. Nobody has offered to establish me. I am the only person sourcing the fund to finance the business.
How are you getting fund to finance the business?
It is survival for the fittest. Newspaper business is highly capital intensive. If not that I’m determined and have a passion for it, I would have since quit the business. The business is not self-sustaining because of low patronage in terms of advert support .You know, no newspaper can survive without adverts flowing. I use whatever I am making from Vanguard, writing testimonial/ certificates for schools, sale of books etc, to finance it. Once a while, I get adverts that sustain it.
You write testimonial/ Certificates for schools?
Yes off course! Most school owners in Lagos that have seen my writing appreciated me by giving me the job of writing artistically their testimonials and certificates with my handwriting for a fee. This is one thing you cannot take from me. I have very good handwriting!
How would you rate Ndokwa Vanguard in the communication industry?
I’m supposed to ask you that question. To answer your question straight, if you check our publications you will appreciate us with the quality we are producing for the reading public. Our publications matches international standard. Inspite of the biting economic crises plaguing the nation, especially the hike in price of commodities, we have not made an upward review of our advertisement rates because we want the low income earners to advertise. Even at N500 cover price most people still complain. Majority tell us that instead of buying Ndokwa Vanguard at N500 per copy, they would prefer to buy a bottle of beer at any price. There are the ones that like to buy the paper on credit. Before we came on board in 2005, there were sizeable number of community newspapers in Ndokwa, but over time I used experience garnered from Vanguard newspapers to; from being a market challenger to market leader and now becoming the only Ndokwa paper. For this singular reason I give credit to Vanguard Newspapers for any success I may have recorded in the course of doing this job while I take responsibility for any failure.
What are the challenges you are facing in the business?
My Bible tells me that money answereth all things. If there is no cash-flow, there will be limit to what you can do. Most people see us as a reproach. When we go to them to place advert for their social engagements like obituary, marriage ceremony, birthday, chieftaincy affairs etc, which will be documented and serve as a reference material in years to come, they would say they don’t have money. But the first thing that readily come to their mind is which musician to engage. They would pay consultancy fee to the musician, engage him or her for an agreed fee, make provisions for food and drinks and keep aside substantial amount of money to spray the same musician. His family, friends and well wishers compete to know who sprayed more to the cheering of other guests. If they want to listen to our request at all they may be asking us to accept paltry sum, reminding us that times are hard. Many find it difficult to part with N500 for a copy of Ndokwa Vanguard yet they can buy bottle of beer etc for any amount.
Apart from placing adverts in Ndokwa Vanguard, some of them that had course to place advert in Vanguard or any other media organisations don’t think towards my direction even when they know that I’m there and can deliver. Since we opened the Vanguard Newspapers office at Azunze, Utagba Ogbe and even before then many don’t look towards my direction. Indeed, many have turned advert canvassers working for non Ukwuani person, all because Alaska Ekele is involved in the business of advertisement.They prefer using quacks or pseudo professionals to cut corners. Some would just call me to make enquiry about advert rates in Vanguard Newspapers after which they disappear and look for quacks to publish it for them.
To use a professional in whatever you do is not the same thing as using quacks. As a professional, I owe my clients duty of care and offer professional advice and can make-good. They don’t need to see me one on one before they can ask me to place advert for them in any known media in Nigeria. Everything can be done electronically. They can send materials to me through text message, WhatsApp or e-mail and payment can be done through e-banking. It will interest you to note that I struck a deal with Quest FM 93.1 since October 2022. They gave me a franchise to represent them in Ndokwa and its environ. Since October 29, 2022 I’ve been running an independent indigenous programme which I called Ukwuani Amaka. Nobody is advertising through us yet no one is interested in the sponsorship of the programme.
I will use the opportunity to mention that in the course of doing this business, I have come across notable figures in the society. Many of them have assisted me in one way or the other. They have confidence in me and have used me to place adverts and commercials for them in other national papers, radio and television.
Without the minimum delay, let me quickly appreciate two notable figures from Utagba Uno –Okwa Barrister C.I. Egwuenu and Admiral MCO Onah (Rtd). Apart from financial assistance to us, Barrister Egwuenu has been helping in making sure that our publications are read by every Ndokwa sons or daughters. He buys 100 copies from us every edition and give to every Ndokwa man that come his way free of charge. Not just that, he made me his media partner/consultant. He has been empowering us. In similar vein, Admiral MCO Onah, HRM Friday Abaja, Sir Amb Dele Omenogor, Chief Francis Opute etc have continued to offer philanthropic gesture to me. Barrister Leonard Anoka is another great philanthropist. Any time he has need to go to the press he remembers his brother Alaska Ekele who is in that field. God will continue to bless them.
Apart from financial challenges which you stated earlier, was there any striking moment that made you bite your finger in the course of doing this business?
I have no regrets in life. Every situation I pass through in life whether good or sour are bound to occur to give me thick skin. The moment I begin to reflect over disappointments I may have reached the culminating point in my life. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been relating well with many people. Take for instance, somebody I helped in many ways before and after I started my publication. When he had opportunity of empowering people he didn’t remember me but he was quick at empowering a non indigene. The same person said for the good I did for him he was going to buy me a brand new car in lieu of the money he was suppose to pay me for job I executed. Till date, neither the car nor the money came and I am very happy even when he has made the non Ndokwa person a landlady and car owner in Lagos. I don’t have a car. I climb motorcycle on daily basis to get to my destination point. I’m happy with myself because I cannot dress on borrowed garment or live above my means. I still relate well with him. If I were some people I will declare media war on him. The experience is enough for me to write a book. He remains my brother and the Bible says we should be our brother’s keeper. The same Bible tells me that I should not put my trust in men because the hands of man shall fail me.
How about bringing up business idea to a fellow and at the maturity stage of the business the person tells you to go and mind your business except you want to apply for the business you initiated and executed. Heaven did not fall. I still relate well with him because I see him as my brother as well. In life, what is not your own can never be your own. It is only God that has a perfect gift and lift someone from grass to grace.
In all of these, what I have taken as my striking moment or memory day is February 11, 2017. On that I was going to cover a marriage ceremony at Lekki, Lagos. I entered a coaster bus from a bus stop called Iyana Oba to Mile 2. Right inside the bus I was drugged magically and I was taken hostage by ritualists. Till date I cannot tell how I got down from the bus and where I was taken to. I was at the mercy of the ritualists till about 4:00pm the next day (February 12, 2017) when God delivered me and set me free from captivity. My getting home on February 12, 2017 was the greatest of all the miracles. That’s why, even though everyday is a miracle day in my life, February 12 every year is a Thanksgiving day for me.
How has your publication impacted on the people?
To the glory of God, Ndokwa Vanguard has remained a source of accurate news reporting, features and so on.With our publications we have been able to avert intra and inter communal wars in many Ukwuani communities. Through our Community Social Responsibility, CSR, we have given practical training to Mass Communication students from tertiary institutions in and around Delta State. Our young men and women have been legally hooked through our “Ndokwa Vanguard Queen.” Ndokwa Vanguard is a source of research material and have served as a bridge builder, I have created employment with the publication. Above all, it has added Ukwuani nation among the league of ethnic nationalities with community newspaper.
Are you hoping to quit the business some day?
Winners don’t quit and quitters don’t win. The primary purpose of establishing Ndokwa Vanguard which was to give my people a voice and to let them know that it was possible has been achieved. We have trained scholars in this business and they should be able to brace up the challenge. No condition is permanent. Therefore, at the appointed time, I will step aside. If I see a man or woman in or outside Ndokwa that has a better handwriting than myself I’ll stop writing immediately. To be succinct, I hope to retire soon to give way to others.
You are celebrating 30 Years of Media Practice and launching for a Research Centre? Why Research Centre?
The idea is to impact on the next generation. We cannot continue this way year in year out. So many things about us are gradually dying out like candle flame. Most facts you are reading about Ukwuani ethnic nation are not real. Many facts about us have been distorted.Indeed I’m on restoration course. I want to help take back that which are about us otherwise we would continue to rely on non Ukwuani people as sources of materials. This is one of the best investments now.
What advice do you have for your people?
My candid advice is that our people should develop objective mind. They should seek information because information is power. In 1787, Thomas Jefferson wrote from Paris to Edward Carrington, whom Jefferson sent as a delegate to the Continental Congress on the importance of a free press to keep government in check. He concluded that if he had to choose between a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, “I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”
We need to prove the saying that “if you want to hide anything from Ukwuani man you put it in writing”, wrong.