The National Youth Fellowship of Living Word Gospel Mission, Ndokwa Province 2 invites the general public within and outside Ndokwa Land for her 2023 programme tagged “Night of Praise” which will take place on the 22nd of December 2023. Venue: Province 2 H/Q church, Ntima Street, behind Unity Bank, Kwale. Theme: EXALTED (Psalm 21:13)
According to the Provincial Youth President, Bro. Josuha E. describe “Night of Praise” as an event or gathering of Christians to worship and praise by singing hymns, worship songs, and expressions of gratitude and adoration to the Most High God.
furthermore; Bro. Josuha stated that during a “Night of Praise“, there shall be live music performances, choir singing, and individuals sharing personal testimonies or reflections. The atmosphere is one of joy, celebration, and a focus on expressing faith through music and communal worship.
The goal is to create a spiritually uplifting experience for participants,, fostering a sense of unity and connection within the Christendom.
For more inquires:
Call: Bro Josuha E on : 08135770509
You all are invited!