I have reflected deeply about the continued retrogression of the Ukwuani-Ndokwa society, and I have painfully deciphered the causes, as I had done in the past. Our people have, very often, chastised the government for our marginalisation, oblivious of the fact that, we also have contributed significantly to our marginalisation – self-marginalisation.
I rush to point out, that we have not been fair, heaping endless blame on our politicians, who spend so much of their money on our beggarly people, who throng their door-steps daily, giving them sleepless nights.
Many of our youths are beggars; some of our elegant ladies are beggars; some old men and women are also beggars.
As I have repeatedly said, the causes of our under-development are not in our stars, but in ourselves.
We were not born beggars;
We were not born cowards;
We were not born to shun
and disrespect elders;
We were not born to disregard
and jettison our identity
for a pot of porridge;
We were not born to be
servile and brief-case
carriers for other people;
We were born with
self-respect and dignity.
Some of our people believe erroneously, that our politicians are responsible for the pauperisation of our able-bodied brothers and sisters. I differ; some of our politicians have, instead, been impoverished, or are being impoverished, by some shameless Ukwuani-Ndokwa sons and daughters. However, I am not saying that politicians in other ethnic groups do not face such perpetual harassment.
We, as a people, are not doing well in international, national and sub-national affairs. This is attributable to:
Fractured inter-communal relationships in our land.
Envy [bad belle]
Absence of public-spiritedness
Lack of brotherliness
Baseless arrogance
Mumu culture
Ambivalence: some of us say yes and no at the same time; some see an object as black and white simultaneously; some want to be in the southeast geopolitical zone, and want at the same time, to remain in the southsouth zone. Some are Ukwuani in the day time, and Ibos, Ika Ibos and Kwale Ibos in the dead of night. Those involved in such metamorphoses do so for political or business gains.
Our people are not happy. We have been hoodwinked enough. We are tired of useless motions. We are tired of useless bills. We want development. We want jobs. We are tired of crumbs from the master’s table. Our people want to be masters themselves. Anger is brewing in our land.
We have heard of the proposals for the establishment of:
Aboh Polytechnic
Federal Polytechnic in Kwale
University of Agriculture, Aboh
University of Oil and Gas, Okpai.
What happened to these institutions? We have been fooled enough. Anger is brewing now in our land. Thank God, we now have a university in Kwale. We are, forever, grateful to the initiator: Senator Omo Agege, for his foresight. We are, however, confused.
The university has TWO names. Some say it is called, University of Medical and Health Sciences; others say its name is University of Health Sciences. What is it really? Is the institution going to produce medical doctors or nurses or sanitary inspectors or what? Or are there two separate federal universities in Kwale? I am curious because the council constituted by the federal government is clearly for the University of Health Sciences.
No one should expect me to comment any more on Anioma state creation. I had made my position clear. What pains me is the energy wasted by some of our people for over SIX MONTHS chasing the shadow. Now, I know that those actively involved in the agitation, is for food. They go to the principal agitator for money.
The Anioma project is their main occupation. It is an illusion, a scam, a distraction. I wish them well.
There is hunger in our communities. That should bother us. Palpable anger is beginning to flower in our land.