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Jul 15, 2023 #News
 Corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal Offense which is undertaken by a person or an organization entrusted with a position of authority, in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power. Nigeria is faced with a lot of current issues, but having carried out a critical research, I have discovered that all these issues are governed by corruption. Corruption in Nigeria has been a constant practice in our day to day living as it is no longer done in secret but also in the open, it has become a lifestyle. Corruption in Nigeria dates back to the time of colonization when indirect rule was introduced by british government for effective administration, power was invested on chiefs and traditional rulers. These chiefs, instead of carrying out their duties, became corrupt, they became notorious for sale of justice and for using forced labour. Corruption might have been in the life of the citizens of Nigeria before the colonial rule, but the colonial masters helped in bringing it to limelight; as they had been cases of chiefs wanting to enrich themselves than ruling the people .
Corruption in Nigeria presently has spread from the public to the private sector to all other sectors. Private sector corruption can be defined as unethical or illegal activities conducted within businesses or organizations that are privately owned and operated. Private sector corruption revolves in the production sphere, education, workers exploitation.

Corruption in the production sphere revolves in the area of agriculture and mining. The area of agriculture is a major problem that has brought about negative impact on the economy, environment and food security.Some of the common forms of corruption in agriculture include bribery, embezzlement and fraud in the procurement of equipment, fertilizers and seeds. All these corrupt practices lead to lower crop yields and poor quality produce;it gives them an edge over the poor farmers who have to struggle to meet up with the high standard set by these rich corrupt farmers.
In the private sector educational system is said to be more prestigious and offer better opportunities for students, but there are instances where corruption takes place. We see cases these days of private schools and universities taking bribe to assist students in examination processes, taking bribes to assist students into their institutions instead of following the right process as others do. This has done a lot of harm to these students as they leave these institutions with the corrupt mindset created in them. As the saying goes “children are the leaders of tomorrow” instead of being leaders in a good way, they lead corruptly because the foundation is built on corruption.
Another pressing issue is the Employment of unqualified teachers to teach the students as a result of the price they are being paid. We all know that to be able to employ a qualified and competent teacher in Nigeria and everywhere around is more expensive than the regular ones. By employing these unqualified teachers, they are able to save more money to enrich themselves, thereby endangering the future of the young ones.
Private sector corruption in the form of workers exploitation is a serious issue that is unfortunately prevalent in many industries, this can take many forms from paying workers below minimum wage to denying them basic benefits such as sick leave or healthcare. These unethical practices do not only harm individual workers and their families, but also contribute to wider social and economic inequalities. Corrupt employers may use their powers and influence to silence workers who speak out against these practices, which further advances the cycle of exploitation.
All these corrupt practices in the private sector can not be controlled or solved if the people who are supposed to be controlling it are corrupted too. To tackle this issue, it is important to establish strong regulatory frame workers that are transparent and enforceable; This can be done by implementing strict guidelines and codes of conduct that prohibit bribery and other forms of unethical behavior. Also it is necessary to enforce severe penalties for those who violate these guidelines. It can serve as a deterrent for future corruption, there should be publication of financial data, audits and disclosure of all business transactions.
Corruption in the public sector in Nigeria has been a major issue for decades despite efforts by the government to curb corruption, it still remains a major challenge. Corruption in this sector has affected not just the economy of the country but also the healthcare and education. Corruption is a serious issue and it has hindered good governance.
The evidence of corruption in the public sector can be traced to the period before, during, and after colonization. Nigeria leaders and merchants during the pre-colonial period collected foreign products and gave able bodied men to the whites in exchange. Corruption in Nigeria remains a problem as every effort to end corruption only births more corruption that further destroys the system.
Corruption in the public sector of Nigeria has unfortunately been a pervasive issue for many years. One example of corruption is the misappropriation of funds meant for public infrastructure projects. This occurs when government officials and contractors collude to inflate project costs and embezzle the excess funds. As a result, vital infrastructural projects such as roads, schools, and hospitals are left incomplete or poorly constructed, depriving the citizens of the basic and quality services they deserve. Another example is the bribery and extortion that takes place within government agencies. Bribes are often paid to expedite bureaucratic processes or secure government contracts, undermining the principle of fair competition and hindering economic growth. Additionally, nepotism and favoritism are prevalent in appointments and promotions within the public sector, with positions often being awarded based on personal connections rather than merit. This not only results in unqualified individuals holding important positions but also perpetuates a culture of corruption and undermines public trust in government institutions.
Corruption in the public sector can have far-reaching consequences that negatively impact society as a whole. Firstly, it undermines the trust and confidence that citizens have in their government and public institutions. When corruption is pervasive, people become disillusioned and lose faith in the system, leading to a breakdown of social cohesion and a decline in public participation. Secondly, corruption distorts the allocation of resources, as public funds are often siphoned off for personal gain rather than being used for the betterment of the society. This can result in inadequate public services, such as healthcare and education, which disproportionately affects the most vulnerable members of society. Thirdly, corruption erodes economic development by discouraging foreign investment and stifling business growth. When corruption is prevalent, it creates an environment of uncertainty and unfair competition, deterring both domestic and foreign investors. Ultimately, the consequences of corruption in the public sector are wide-ranging and detrimental, hindering social progress, economic prosperity, and the overall well-being of a nation.
Corruption in Nigeria can be put to an end by first putting trustworthy and sincere people in high levels of authority. Also, long jail terms should be given to anyone caught in any corrupt practices. And finally, equipping agencies such as EFFC and ICPC with the basic facilities and the qualified, incorruptible personnels needed in effecting their goals of quashing corruption in the various sectors of the country.

Written by:Okoro Favour Amarachi.
Delta state university, Oleh Campus.

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