• Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

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A Critical Look At The Recent Increase In The Pump Price Of Petroleum Products By Govt

Sep 15, 2024

By Hajia Hadiza Mohammed

I have said it often times in my column and in different fora that the leadership that want to succeed must align its programs with the people. But the Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu leadership seems to be anti-people.

From the onset, Tinubu policies and programs has never been favorable to the citizens leaving many wondering the purpose of the programs.

Concerns citizens said he is serving external interest to seek support for his embattled government considering the controversial way he got to power. Others believe that his programs are self-seeking; tailored to satisfy his greed and those of his cronies and allies.

And there ample reasons for these insinuations and speculations.

Tinubu is known in the past as a “social critic and freedom fighter” who is believed to be a defender of democracy. But since coming to power, his behaviors, utterances and body language are all antithetical to democratic ideals. In 2012, during the Goodluck Jonathan’s administration, Tinubu led a nation-wide protest against, the removal of fuel subsidy and the increase in the pump price of petroleum product but today the same Tinubu has not only removed the said petroleum subsidy but has approved the astronomical increase in the price of petroleum products to the detriment of the people. And worse still, he seems to have criminalized civil protest which is one of the instruments of citizen’s engagement in a democracy.

Many of those who exercised their civil right by participating in the end-bad-government protest last August are facing treasonable charges while many are still being hunted by the state security operatives.
Currently the vexed issue of the removal of petroleum subsidy is causing a lot of problems and hardship in the country. It was indeed surprising and strange to Nigerian, even though it was praised by the stooges of the government initially as a bold decision, that Tinubu made the removal of the petroleum subsidy a priority without measures to cushion the unsavory effects on the economy. This fact seems to indicate that Bola Ahmed Tinubu has no program and was not prepared for governance ab initio.

Secondly, it clearly shows that he does not know the needs of the people or rather he is insensitive to the needs of the people he is meant to superintend over their affairs. Of course, this insensitive is further underscored by the additional increase in the pump price of the all-important product just three weeks after the end-bad-government protest.

To some observers, this is not just insensitivity but irresponsibility and wickedness.
Another implication of the handling of the petroleum subsidy issue by the Tinubu’s government is that Tinubu is serving vested interest other the people who ostensibly elected him to power as insinuated in some quarters.

This is also highlighted by the earlier attempt to frustrate the take-off of the Dangote Refinery. And whoever these interests are will be unmasked later.
Furthermore, the handling of the fuel subsidy impasse tells much about the character and foibles of Mr. Tinubu himself.

If the Jagaban of Borgu had fought against the subsidy removal in the past when he was in opposition and prioritized its removal when he came to power, it portrays him as hypocritical person who cannot be trusted. Nobody can trust a man who is insincere and inconsistent in his ways. No matter the level of media gas lighting and fireworks, it will take Tinubu and his men light years to convince Nigerians of their sincerity of purpose.

Again, there is insincerity and corruption embedded in the whole subsidy removal saga. There have stories and allegation of removal and non-removal and restoration of the subsidy regime peddled by the agents of the government. Theoretically, the main purpose of the subsidy removal exercise should be to reduce government expenditure and free up funds for other ventures.

And if this is the reason as it were, the government of Tinubu has not told Nigerians how much has been saved up since the removal of the subsidy and the use to which it is put.

And instead, the government is still borrowing recklessly and has increased the tax and tariff on all government services. The corruption, insincerity and opacity embedded in the subsidy issue is suffocating and this giving vent to a lot of speculations and rumors.

Clearly, the intention of the government in the subsidy removal saga is not clear to the people. The people want to know; they have the right to know. Nigerians are tired of empty rhetoric and reference to non-existent reforms. The increase in pump price of fuel is not a reform, neither is the sharing of hand-outs to political thugs and supporters.

Nigerians need a clear-cut economic policy and the establishment enabling frameworks that will promote economic activities and improve the people’s quality of life. Tinubu has not done anything and seems not to know what to do other than increase the price of everything, tax the people and fritter the proceeds on frivolities. And that is not governance.

Hajia Hadiza Mohammed
An actress, social activist, politician
London, UK

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