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Insecurity in Nigeria Today-Oshile Abigail Chinwendu

Jul 4, 2023 #News

Oshile Abigail Chinwendu

Insecurity is a global phenomenon that has impacted many countries and races all over the world including Nigeria. Nigeria is a country known for it’s rich cultural diversity and immense potential also faces this challenge-insecurity from the menace of kidnappings, terrorism, Communal clashes, rampant banditry, fulani herdsmen attacks to other forms of criminal activities.insecurity has deeply impacted the nation’s stability and the well being of it’s citizens.Factors such as economic disparities, corruption, political instability, regional and ethnic disparities. All these have created a fertile ground for criminal activities to thrive.

Terrorism one of the major source of insecurity in Nigeria some of the terrorist groups are boko haram and the islamic state west african province ISWAP. Boko haram is a militant extremist group that originated in north eastern Nigeria in 2002 in Madiguri. The group’s name translates to “western education is forbidden”in hausa language. Their primary aim is to establish an islamic state governed by sharia law and overthrow the Nigerian government.

Over the years boko haram has carried out numerous attacks ranging from suicide bombings, mass killings,bombings, abduction and their targets are the civilians, schools, worship places, communities,security forces e.t.c. their activities have caused a significant loss it lives, displacement of families, challenges in access to education, health care and basic infrastructure by creating an atmosphere of fear and hindering social and economic growth thereby widening the cycle of poverty.

The boko haram gained international attention and noteriety after abducting the chibok girls in 2014 and the dapchi girls in 2018. The Nigerian government have made efforts to combat boko haram. The military has launched several operations aimed at curtailing the group’s activities and in recent years the Nigerian forces supported by regional collaboration and international assistance have made progress in weakening their attacks and activities. But they continue to carry out sporadic attacks and suicide bombings a constant reminder to us of this group’s never changing threat.

Kidnapping is also a growing cause of concern in Nigeria with individuals and communities falling prey to this crime particularly in the Niger Delta region and the north west. It involves the forceful abduction of individuals against their will often with the intention of seeking ransom or for other malicious purposes. This is often done by criminal gangs and terrorist groups their targets are usually wealthy individuals, foreigners and prominent people of the society and this crime has significantly impacted communities and individuals leading to fear, anxiety psychological trauma and asense of personal insecurity.

The rise of kidnappings in Nigeria can be attributed to a combination of complexities like; high poverty rates, economic inequalities, income disparities, security challenges, corruption In places with law enforcement agencies, weaklaws, political unrest and social instability creating a state of lawlessness and weakened governance. All these factors contribute to the kidnapping cases on the rise.

Additionally, advancement In communication and technology have provided kidnappers with new tools and methodologies to execute this crime flawlessly. The Nigerian government has established a special anti kidnapping squad within the Nigerian police force however, the problem persists and the government needs to do more to address the root causes of the problem such as poverty and unemployment.

Fulani herds men attacks is a source of concern that has been growing with each attack we hear
of.The middle belt region of Nigeria has been struggling with the rising wave of fulani herdsmen attacks these recent years. Their attacks are characterized by violence, destruction and loss of lives. These attacks have posed a significant threat to the security and livelihood of persons in the affected areas. As we all know fulani herdsmen are nomads and they move their cattle across various parts of the country ome of the cause of their attacks are conflicts over grazinglands between local farmers and nomadic herdsmen, the scarcity of water and pasture drives the fulani herdsmen to move southward in search of viable grazing grounds sparking tension along their migration routes, ethnic and religious differences. The impacts and after effects of their attacks are numerous.

Lives being lost, displacement of families, destruction of livelihood (farmland, livestock and crops) thereby enhancing poverty and food insecurity, break down of trust between ethnic groups, communities and religious groups.

Communal clashes are unfortunately a recurring incident especially in a diverse nation like Nigeria that is a nation with rich cultural diversity.some of these clashes are rooted in religious, ethnics or idealogical differences and have an immense impact on individuals. Communal clashes stem from deep divisions and prejudices that have been carried on for many generations, fear, misinformation and lack of communication. All these factors assist in creating a fertile ground for hatred and mistrust. The consequences of these clashes leave scars on individuals, lives are lost displacement of families.

In all, it is crucial to focus on the resilience of the Nigerian people, coming together to uplift affected communities and the government and organizations helping to curb insecurity thereby fostering unity and creating a safe and secure future for all Nigerians.

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