Global warming is the phenomenon of a global increase in the temperature near the Earth’s surface. This phenomenon has been observed over the past centuries. This change has disturbed the climate pattern of the earth. However, the concept of global warming is quite controversial but the scientist have provided relevant data in support of the facts that the temperature of the earth is rising constantly.
There are several causes of global warming which have a negative effect on both humans, plants and animals. These causes may be natural or might be outcome of human activities. In order to curb this issue, it is very necessary to understand the negative impacts of global warming.
Man-made causes of global warming
Plants are the main source of oxygen. They take in the carbon dioxide and release oxygen, there by maintaining environmental balance. Forests are being depleted for mainly domestic and commercial purposes. This has led to an environmental imbalance, there by giving rise to global warming.
•Use of vehicles:
The use of vehicles, even for a very short distance results in various gaseous emissions. Vehicles burn fossil fuels which emits a large amount of carbon dioxide and other toxins into the atmosphere resulting in temperature increase
With the excessive use of air conditioners and refrigerators, humans have been adding CFCs into the environment which affects the atmospheric ozone layer. The ozone layer. The ozone layer protects the earth surface from the harmful ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. The CFCs have led to ozone layer depletion making way for the ultraviolet rays, thereby increasing the temperature of the earth.
•Industrial development:
With the advent of industrialization, the temperature of the earth has been increasing rapidly. The harmful emissions from the factories add to the increasing temperature of the earth.
In 2013, the intergovernmental panel for climate change reported that the increase in global temperature between 1880 to 2012 has been 0.9 degrees Celsius the increase is 1.1 degrees Celsius when compared to the preindustrial mean temperature.
Various farming activities produce carbon dioxide and methane gas. These add to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and increase the temperature of the earth.
•Over population:
An increase in population means more people breathing. This leads to an increase in level of carbon dioxide, the primary gas causing global warming, in the atmosphere
Natural causes of global warming
Volcanoes are one of the largest contributors to global warming. The ash and smoke emitted during volcanic eruptions goes out to the atmosphere and affect the climate.
•Water vapor:
Water vapor is a kind of greenhouse gas. Due to the increase in the Earth’s temperature, more water gets evaporated from the water bodies and stays in the atmosphere adding to the global warming.
•Melting permafrost:
Permafrost is frozen soil that has environmental gases trapped in it for several years and is present Earth’s surface. It is present in glaciers. As the permafrost melts, it releases the gases back into the atmosphere, increasing the Earth’s temperature.
•Forest blazes:
Forest blazes or forest emits a large amount of carbon containing smoke. These gases are released into the atmosphere and increase the Earth’s temperature resulting in global warming.
Effects of global warming
•Rise in temperature:
Global warming has led to an incredible increase in the Earth’s temperature. Since 1880, the Earth’s temperature has increased by -1 degrees. This has resulted in an increase in the melting glaciers, which have led to an increase in the sea level. This could have devastating effects on coastal regions.
•Threats to the ecosystem:
Global warming has coral reefs that can lead to the loss of plants and animals lives. Increase in the global temperature has made the fragility of coral reefs even worse.
•Climate change:
Global warming has led to a change in climate conditions. There are droughts at some places and floods at some places. This climatic imbalance is the result of global warming.
•Spread of diseases:
Global warming leads to a change in the patterns of heats and humidity. This has led to the movement of mosquitoes that carries and spread diseases.
•High mortality rates:
Due to increase in floods, tsunamis and other natural calamities, the average death toll usually increases. Also, such events can bring about the spread of diseases that can hamper human lives.
•Loss of natural habitats:
A global shift in the climate leads of the loss of habitats of several plants and animals. In this case, the animals needs to migrate from their natural habitat and many of them even become extinct. This is yet another impact of global warming on biodiversity.
Possible solutions to global warming
You heard that our planet is in trouble: glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising and wildfires, hurricanes and heat waves are becoming more severe. Some of the possible solutions to global warming includes;
Afforestation is simply the planting of forest trees. It is the AC and practice of creating a new forests where none existed before, ore reforestation of areas long deforested. Reforestation is the most cost-effective way to prevent global warming. According research, trees absorb carbon dioxide (reminder: makes up 82% of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere), so planting more trees can help reduce the amount of carbon in our atmosphere. In fact, we could remove roughly two-thirds of human made carbon by just letting all forest regrow.
•Divest from coal and encourage others to do same:
Coal burning power plants are by far the biggest emitters of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, according to the natural resources defense council. Aka is a big deal 20% of industrial coal emissions ate funded by public investors. So when people or companies stop investing, it’s more difficult for coal producers to finance coal production.
•Walk, bike or take public transport:
The world’s roadways are clogged with vehicles, most of them burning diesel or gasoline. Walking or riding a bike instead of driving will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help your health and fitness . For longer distances, consider taking a train or bus. And carpool whenever possible. Living car-free can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 2 tons of co2e per year compared to a lifestyle using a car
•Reducing agricultural greenhouse gases:
Greenhouse gases emissions from agricultural activities can be reduced through more efficient management of carbon and nitrogen flows within agricultural system.
The consequences of climate change are extremely serious affect many aspects of our lives. Both countering climate change and adapting to a warming world are top priorities for the world. We need climate actions now.