• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

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Moment entire road explodes in mystery blast in South Africa (Video/Photos)

Jul 21, 2023 #News

An explosion ripped through a street in Johannesburg on Wednesday, July 19, killing one person and injuring dozens.

Security CCTV footage from a building nearby shows the moment an entire road explodes in the city’s Central Business District, cracking the tarmac and sending minibusses flying.

The footage shows a large crack down the middle of the road as well as a gaping hole left by the explosion.

Moment entire road explodes in mystery blast in�South�Africa (Video/Photos)

Robert Mulaudzi, a spokesperson for Johannesburg Emergency Services (EMS) said at least 11 people were injured in the explosion.

One of those was seriously injured, according to reports.

Moment entire road explodes in mystery blast in�South�Africa (Video/Photos)

A disaster management squad is in the area and has cordoned off a 1 km area because of the risk of further explosions.

The buildings are also being assessed for structural damage as a result of the blast.

A gas leak is suspected to be the cause of the sudden incident, with some locals reporting smells in the area. 


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