I composed this post for the world to see and no what is going on between me and Geegpay incase I go from this process.
My Aunt sent some money to me on 14th day of February 2025 to complete her building project via my Geegpay USD account ($10,000).
I received this money on the 18th of February 2025 which I notified her and withdrawn $2000 to settle some workers it was successful.
On the 19th day of February Geegpay withheld My USD account that they are verifying the payment which will last for 3-5hrs, this time frame has gone but to no avail, if I write to them their response is “verification in progress” meanwhile workers are in the site which need to be settled for there labor.
Reporting to my Aunt that the money was withheld will question my integrity because I have already told her that I have seen the money and made withdrawal to pay some workers..
At this point am at the eage of commiting suicide but I will let the world no before I go…
Ridiculous! Issues of many it takes maturity to understand, you would have used Western Union.
Don’t kill yourself, Many of this bank are scammers.