By Comrade Gloria Okolugbo.
In a recent letter, Zik Gbemre attempts to paint Senator Ned Nwoko’s constructive criticism of Multiple systemic factors that have impoverished and exploited the people of Okpai in his Constituency as malicious and biased. However, Gbemre’s response reeks of cowardice, hidden behind a veil of activism. True activists, those who fight for justice and the welfare of the people, would never direct their energy against someone advocating for the rights of citizens suffering. Gbemre’s write-up is nothing more than a shallow and tribalistic attempt, to discredit Sen. Nwoko for daring to address the pressing issues facing Delta State.
It is important to first clarify that Senator Ned Nwoko did not receive any car or allowances from Delta state, as falsely claimed. We demand evidence to back up this false claim or retraction of same. Moreover, Nwoko was not a serving Senator during former Governor Okowa’s administration. For Gbemre to gloss over this fact shows a deliberate attempt to mislead the public.
What Gbemre conveniently ignores is the fact that Nwoko’s criticism is not an attack on ethnic grounds but a call to action for a state that has immense resources , yet remains in poverty. The people of Delta State, particularly those generating light for the Grid Control Tower (GCT), feeding the Federal Capital Territory and driving massive Development there, continue to live in darkness and squalor. Instead of acknowledging these realities, Gbemre’s misplaced focus on tribal sentiments does a disservice to the real issues at hand. Make no mistakes about it, Senator Ned Nwoko spent several years locked in series of contests to come and serve his people. If he had been satisfied with the status quo, he would not have sought the mandate. Now he has the mandate and frantic organized attempts are being made to muzzle him. Let us be clear, A man who fought in Court till he secured the Paris refunds is not one who will chicken out due to cheap blackmail. A man who climbed to the peack of the earth has endurance resilience and cannot be cowed by such shameful attack. Othe true activists have seen a ralying point and if Gbenre felt genuinely short changed by a debt of leadership, why is he threatened by a Senator Speaking for his people
Prince Nwoko, as a senator, has every right to question the current administration’s performance, he is a Member of the legislative Arm, one of his duties, is oversight function, and they say Charity begins at home. Any concerned citizen as Gbenre claims to be will never be malicious towards a Senator, who gets a chance to do his job, and is determined to do it well against all odds. His stance is not a tribal attack, as suggested, but an effort to highlight the systemic issues that plague the Step down of light powered by the natural gas in Okpai lands in Delta State, —issues that have spanned multiple years. To deflect this into an ethnic narrative is not only misleading but dangerous for the unity of Delta State.
Real activism would focus on uplifting the people, questioning those in power, and advocating for better governance. Instead, Gbemre’s letter tries to shield those who have mismanaged Resources meant for the Step down of light to Okpai, and stall action to actually get the job done, by turning a legitimate critique into a tribal affair. A true activist would never support an environment where the people are impoverished, despite the State’s rich resources.
Ned Nwoko’s advocacy for better governance should be seen for what it is: a call to end the suffering of the people of Okpai in Delta State. Anything less is mere deflection from the real issues affecting the people of Delta.
In truth, the people of Delta deserves activists who speak on their collective behalf, not those who play to the gallery for their benefit, not opportunistic rhetorics aimed at protecting failed systems of Governance. It is indeed pretentious and unfortunate, the organized onslaught against the Senator. Again we reteriete that derivation was fought for. If we feel morally justified to enjoy the benefits thereof, then we must see this Ndokwa Step down PROBLEMATIC as our problem and be prepared to Stand with Senator Ned #Istandwithned