One hand feeds with palliatives, swift and small,
A quick balm tossed like crumbs that fall.
A bit of rice, a fleeting gift,
Given to keep but never to lift.
Take this, stay steady, until the next round.
But bound in its comfort, you’re still tightly bound.
For palliatives soothe, but they rarely heal,
A quiet sedative that numbs what’s real.
They offer relief, not a lasting way,
A cycle repeated day after day.
Dependence grows in each gift received,
In promises wrapped, but true dreams deceived.
But a true safety net holds a dignity rare,
A support that respects the power we bear.
Not given to bind, but to help us stand,
A steady bridge, a guiding hand.
It says: “Here’s a foothold, here’s your chance,
Build on this foundation, take your stance.”
With nets, we’re anchored but never restrained,
Free to pursue what life has ordained.
From fair wages to healthcare, the safety grows ,
A path that strengthens as we go.
Not just survival, but room to choose,
A chance to create, a chance to use.
For true liberation flows from choice,
From a safety that strengthens each person’s voice.
Palliatives pacify, but nets uplift,
A hand-up to open our gifts.
One keeps us dependent, content, yet small ,
The other a chance to rise, to stand tall.
So let’s choose the dignity of support that frees,
Not comfort that binds, nor bread that appeases.
For true liberation lies in a safety net, wide and grand,
That offers strength, a foundation to expand.